I aquired some of Sideshow’s stuff recently I thought I would share with those who knew him. He used to work at Kinko’s, bartended at TC’s Refereee and played in the R & R band ‘The Sneakies’ Here’s some gems.

This was from a serious of photos some fruitcake took of him. Long story.

His first Halibut he caught in Seward, Alaska

This is him as Homer Simpson. I think everyone should draw themselves as a Simpson’s character.

9 Thoughts on “In memory of Sideshow (1976-2001)

  1. hosepheffer on November 25, 2008 at 6:19 pm said:

    i miss him, especially this time of year.

  2. Beer Jew on November 26, 2008 at 5:51 am said:

    Do you have the Robert Anderson birthday card Matt made for you? That thing was friggin priceless!! I still bust a gut every time I think of that.
    I wasn’t close to Matt but I always considered him a friend. I was in a hotel room in Minneapolis getting ready to go to a job interview when I read his obit online. I got the job after I graduated anyway. Thanks Matt!

  3. For those who may not know, one year for my birthday Matt made me some special wrapping paper. He wrapped my present in a large-format copy of Robert Leroy Anderson. It was from a picture of Robert that was on the front page of the AL on Mother’s Day (one of the many AL follies). Robert was on a prison phone and Matt drew him to look like John Wayne Gacy in his clown (POGO) outfit. And Robert was saying to me “Happy Birthday Scott”.

  4. Johnny Roastbeef on November 26, 2008 at 8:33 am said:

    Wow, that first picture of Sideshow is weird. Is that his chest hair? I remember getting the second picture when he was in Seward, Alaska. That looks like the Sideshow I know.

    His uncle with the same name has a radio show on AM 1230. I listen to it when I drive home from work.

  5. Matt was never a fan of Matt

  6. and vice-versa

  7. Johnny Roastbeef on November 26, 2008 at 9:01 am said:

    Yeah, I had that conversation with both of them.

    Matt was my landlord and his aunt was my neighbor at one point.

  8. Beer Jew on November 26, 2008 at 10:16 am said:

    Scott- Didn’t you get me a Sneakies shirt for Christmas one year? I was going through my closet getting stuff ready for a Goodwill run and found that damn thing still in there.
    Sprint cars and The Sneakies..woooooooooo!

  9. I think I might have gave it to you? Jesse and I still wear ours.

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