South DaCola

SD GOP, no sense of humor, and no layout design skills

I got these mailers on Saturday. You would think that this message would be on the outside of the mailer to be the grabber; nope. They were on the inside.

The below graphic was on the outside of the mailer. WTF? First off, I have been a graphic designer for over 15 years, and have worked on numerous direct mail campaigns, and I will have to admit, this is a pretty lousy layout.

There is nothing wrong with not having a message on the outside of the mailer, but it should be very non-descript in order to get people to open it. Plastering your address in 14 pt. type is silly. I think most indies and dems threw this mailer away (the people you were trying to target) as soon as they saw the return address.

I don’t know who your graphic artist is, but they need to go back to school (or maybe you need to pay them more . . . yeah right).

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