It might not change the election, but it sure feels good paying back those who dissed this great nation by supporting Barack Obama. Actually, it’s the method which is so sweet Here’s what I do. I go into a local business or shop and gather up the items I normally buy…. and just before I ring up my items, I ask the owner or clerk…”By the way, did you support Barack Obama in the election?”
If they answer no, I go through with the purchase with my usual politeness.
If they answer Yes, I say…. “Well you must not need the money that bad if you’re willing to vote for more taxes, so I should probably shop someplace else.”
Yes, it takes some balls. But it feels great.
I plan to keep it up until I feel less depressed.
That could be another four years.
What if the clerk voted for Nader?
read the comments, what a bunch of childish babies.
Freepers need to get a life.
I’m not the kind of guy who would traditionally support a guy like Obama, but I did think it was time to have a new party in charge of the Whitehouse and to restore our image.
If some jackass pulled this stunt on me I’d laugh him out of the store and tell him not to come back.
Of course, when he asked me who I supported for prez. I’d probably tell him it’s none of his business.
I have stopped doing business with 2 companies because they had Dykstra signs in front of their business.
That’s just bad judgement! They don’t deserve my business!
Were they the Alpha Center and Abstinence Clearing House?
Wait a second, I just realized that Unruh running those businesses is ironic – she gets them cumming and going.
If she can’t teach them Abstinence, she convinces them to keep their baby (they most likely got pregnant with while not married).
Funny. She proves that Abstinence Ed doesn’t work.
I stopped doing business with the Prairie Hutterite Market & going to the McDonalds on 41st & Minn because they ran Fox News Channel. Likewise, when seeing a child – on a school day – holding up a sign 2006 in front of Little Ceasar’s Pizza regarding Leslie/Roger’s bill don’t shop there either. When a business forces their political leanings on customers, that’s offensive. When customers play “Gotcha” & inquiring about a personal vote not advertised or trying to sway others, that is vindictive & petty. Given the very comfortable margin win Obama had, they are going to have real limited shopping.
At least Walmart will still have customers.
The freeper freak show gets a lot funnier than that. I’ve seen several posts like that from the internet tough guys on the freep. A couple of them like to post that garbage on the Gargoyle Leader forum.
You should read the neo-con love fest over on KELO forums sometime. I feel sorry for them, it is going to be a very long 4 years. Stock up on tissues.