Another free market conservative is trying to blow smoke by telling us the evils of regulation;

He (Tom Daschle) would form a bureaucratic board that would establish and enforce health care standards much as the Federal Reserve Board and the Securities and Exchange Commission oversee banks and corporations. (Look at our present financial condition to see how this has worked out).

Huh? The Feds and the SEC did NO regulation, and in fact closed offices in charge of regulation, that’s why we are in the shape we are in. Yes, we can overegulate in certain areas and we must be cautious, but having NO regulation whatsoever only results in chaos (Look at our present financial condition).

I may not agree totally with Obama’s or Daschle’s healthcare plan, but you are smoking something if you think the only way to fix the current healthcare industry is by letting them (continue) to do what they want. That has resulted in 15% of Americans having no coverage, bankrupting manufacturing companies because of higher healthcare benefits for their workers and increased premiums for the rest of us.

Something needs to be done, and it’s up to us and our government to reign in the out of control healthcare industry.

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