South DaCola

EggBert family men’s Santa transportation Gift Wish list – 2008

EggBert family men’s Santa transportation Gift Wish list – 2008

1. Neice Nellie’s boyfriend, Petey Schwetty’s “I likey the Huge/Big Pie rock’em sock’em van” -  

2. Grumps Gramp Gumption’s “Lean ‘n Mean Colonel Sander’s Soylent Green Cole Slaw Machine” –  

3. Neighbor Jed Nugent’s “Rip-roarin’ & scorin’ some oldy goldy mobile” –

4. Uncle Rusty’s “Cleanin’ On Up Contaminated Consumer Christmas & Corporate Crime Citizen/Customer Service Cruiser” –

5. Neighbor Ned Nugent’s “White Wide Loads the Way I Likes ’em Rig” – (the whiter & wider the load, the farther my white wide one drives ’em)

Hoping your Santa transportation Gift Wish list is granted –

Merry Christmas, everyone (except for you Democrats, Independents, Pro-Abortionists, non-white colored folks, anti-Christians, hippies, gaybaits, females, and college professors) –


EggBert Tiberius Frankfurter Ichabod Goofenstein, Jr.

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