From Bread for the World;

Yesterday was the 235th anniversary of the Boston Tea Party. To celebrate that historic resistance against unjust taxation, we offer encouraging news relating to a glaring tax injustice here in South Dakota.


We have just learned that the total food tax (state + city+ tribal) is estimated by the state to contribute a total of $79.6 million to state, municipal, and tribal revenues. And, get this: The estimated sales tax from an additional ½% tax on non-food sales would bring in about $80 million.


Get the picture? With ½ percent more on non-food, all sales tax could be shifted off — totally removed — from food with no loss of revenue to the state. AND there would be enough to fully reimburse cities and tribes for their loss of food tax. 


If the legislature would pass such an idea, and if the governor would sign, no tea would need to be dumped here in South Dakota. 


Consider this an opportunity for action. Let’s see if we can stir up legislators, editors and the public about this possibility as a helpful response as the worsening economy brings struggle for life’s basics to more and more people.

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