How does that saying go, “Not enough sense to get out of the rain.”

If these people didn’t like getting paid to stand in the cold, they can quit. It’s a right to work state. You can quit whenever you want and not give a reason.

But that wasn’t good enough for one guy, he had to go crying to someone about the injustice Old Man Winter was laying down.

“The issue is that we have somebody in this community that is putting some people at risk,” said the citizen, who asked to remain anonymous.  “And it’s not right. They shouldn’t be putting these people in that environment.”

“I have no qualms about people holding signs and liquidating their merchandise,” said the citizen.  “That’s perfectly fine. But not to the extent where somebody could get hurt.” 

Some people just need to mind there own business.

3 Thoughts on “I’m all for good samaritans . . . but c’mon

  1. The real problem is that this is the only kind of work out there in this economy.

  2. Ghost of Dude on December 22, 2008 at 8:09 am said:

    There’s almost nothing left inside the store anyway.
    They also have several huge banners and signs on the property telling people about the sale. Why they need guys standing outside with signs is a mystery to me.

  3. $40 bucks to hold a sign for a couple hours is pretty good pay for someone that is homeless. Just dress appropriately. Hey, when I lived on the farm we had to do chores no matter what the weather was like, animals still had to eat. I think people need to mind their own business. It would have been one thing if the sign holder was passed out from the cold.

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