Eggbert giving Grammy Gumption a ride.
I don’t often laugh out loud – but Eggbert’s posts alway make me burst.
Congrats. The Golden Turkey Turd is awaiting you.
Eggbert giving Grammy Gumption a ride.
I don’t often laugh out loud – but Eggbert’s posts alway make me burst.
Congrats. The Golden Turkey Turd is awaiting you.
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Dear I3wus: I am honored to be nominated by the SD Coke Academy for this prestigious award, but I don’t really get why you nominated me as I think your website is repulsive, hippie-ish, obnoxious, ghostly, Anti-American, radical, sinful, Anti-Life, sinister, roastbeefish, evil, mother-hating, thought-numbing, fear-mongering, terroristic, Pro-zombie, trivial, prozac-ish, and downright boring to us good blog-reading citizens of SD who are mostly Republicanesque, clean sheep-shaven, and believe in Christian believable beliefs like bombing the Hammocks, Afghans, Persians (and soon to be Orientals) all while living the American Dream in the safe and secure trust following our leaders to protect us. We only mostly want Peace and some War – just enough to keep our economy going strongly as it has under our beloved GWB and our city Mayor Dave so is that so much to ask, you damn Anti-Christian, non-Repblican, non-white & non-heteromosexual bastards???
Happy New Year to many of you – (excluding the ones you know I am referring to) –
EggBert Goofenstein & family (except Uncle Rusty and Gramps Grumpy who love you each for who you are – mostly anyway)