Besides Mr. Food, the KSFY news at 11:30 wasn’t that great. Though Shawn does give the weather report most of the newscast is filled with national stories recycled from the day before.

Well, without notice, I’m home for lunch today, and at 11:30 there is an info-commercial on about the Dean Martin show (now available on DVD). On the top of the screen was a message scrolling that said “The 11:30 Action News will no longer broadcast on KSFY” with a phone number you could call and ask why.

Um . . . Okay.

I guess there isn’t enough ACTION in Sux Falls to have that much news. That’s OKAY I can always watch the Ice Princess on KELO-TV at NOON.

By l3wis

14 thoughts on “OOHH . . . . not so good”
  1. You actually watched KSFY for news? Why? I stopped doing that several years ago. If I need to tune into there type of news I’ll watch Fox News. Speaking of Fox, I see bill o’reilly is ending his radio show after the first of the year. I wonder what “news” radio KSOO is going to replace him with? As far as I know, all the right wing talking heads already have a home here in the SF market. They’ll have some tough decisions ahead of them. Maybe it will be that new radio show with joe scarborough (sp) and mika brezinski (sp). I stomached their morning show on MSNBC for about a month before I went back to C-Span and their Washington Journal program. Mika’s only job is to cowtow to scarborough, much the same as colmes did to hannity. And for those few that might still listen to knobe and ruth, then you’ll have a good feel for what mika does for joe.

  2. Local radio shows . . . no thanks. I have been a guest a few times, but I don’t have the stomach to listen to ignorant conservatives calling in.

  3. I’m still curious. Did you trust KSFY as a viable source of news, relative to say KELO or KDLT?

  4. No, No, No. I would just watch the 11:30 because I was home for lunch, then watch KELO at NOON (to get the real news). I usually watch CNN in the morning, but I will have to check out C-span.

  5. “then watch KELO at NOON (to get the real news).”

    Thanks for clearing that up l3wis. KSFY “news” is a joke, unless of course you’re curious about the latest excuses being made for thune.

  6. Speaking of thune, have you ever read anything about the relationship between he and his close friends at KSFY?

  7. No surprise.

    They always give each other reach arounds.

    I have often had a problem with Mitch working for the Governor while his wife serves as a legislator. Yes, he has resigned, but not because of conflict of interest.

    I also have huge concerns about all the private meetings De Knudson has with the mayor and her being married to the Majority Leader. I think it has hurt SF taxpayers more then helped.

  8. I see I gotta spend a lot more time here. Maybe if I spent more time here, and less time snarking on that other forum, I would have known that krebs resigned. I had to do a little googling to find out for sure.

    Avera eh? And here all this time, I thought Avera was the exclusive domain of Nancy Naeve. Or is she a history now? I guess she could be, as well I’ve been keeing up.

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