South DaCola

South DaCola music club with YOU!

I don’t know why I think of this stuff when I wakeup in the middle of the night? Why does my brain only function at three in the morning? I think that night job I had for 3 years really screwed with my creativity.

Enough about me, What do you think would make the ultimate band? (you can also include dead musicians since this is a fantasy anyway).

 LEAD VOCALS: Morissey (The Smiths) or Nina Simone

PIANO/BACKING VOCALS: Nick Cave (Bad Seeds) or Tom Waits

BASS: Mingus or Entwistle (The Who)

RHYTHM GUITAR: Izzy Stradlin (G & R) or Wayne Kramer (MC 5)

LEAD GUITAR: Jimi Hendrix, Rory Gallagher or Richard Thompson (Fairport Convention)

DRUMS: John Bonham (Led Zepp) or Stewart Copeland (The Police)

Whadda You think?

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