When the Pomp Room closed and Tim Kant’s mission to yuppify downtown Sioux Falls was successful, it killed live Rock & Roll in this town and I knew it would never be the same.

Since the closing of the Pomp Room in 1998, artists have struggled to find the right places to showcase their music. They’ve played in garages, basements and various entertainment halls.

Even though Nutty’s North is a good venue to see a show, it’s outta the way. We really need a new place downtown. Something they do in larger (more progressive) cities is use their public entertainment facilities (like the Washington Pavilion) to put on more casual rock shows. Like setting it up like a bar setting instead of a ‘sit in your seat and do not move’ setting. We have oodles of fine facilities to do rock shows, yet the yuppies in this town block promoters from using them – because R & R is evil – yah know.

Yuppies prefer drinking Bud Light taps while listening to a singer/keyboardist play covers of Bruce Hornsby and the Range

I have to tell you, this is a losing fight. Ever since the transformation of DT during Munson’s ‘we are just like Mayberry’ administration we can pretty much kiss the days of a 1000 seat bar/music venues goodbye.

Conservatism killed that.

I suggest you save your money and go to club shows in Omaha and Minneapolis. I have actually enjoyed seeing shows in Omaha more, it is closer and rooms are cheaper.

5 Thoughts on “We don’t need a new music venue – we need progressive city leaders

  1. hosepheffer on December 13, 2008 at 2:32 pm said:

    Nobody cares about music, especially live music.
    Local musicians are overated.
    what we do need is a new glossy calendar, specific to sioux falls, since most of us agree that our tax dollars are spent on viable things.
    Let’s see, cut jazzfest = glossy new calendar.

  2. I liked the new city calendar so much I think a few pages are sticking together now.

  3. Windsor:

    Yuppies? That’s so 80s.

    Todd Epp
    SD Watch http://www.southdakotawatch.net

  4. Yeah, I should have said, Smarmy Neo-Con A-holes.

  5. Ghost of Dude on December 15, 2008 at 10:48 am said:

    Meh. if you want to smoke a good cigar, do it at Eastvold’s. Fewer douches around and a better, cheaper selection.

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