South DaCola

You Guessed it . . .

Some people are blockheads. This was in my comments section and gave me a good chuckle;

You guessed it

I’ve never thought you were a very good “toonist” and certainly think “Folk Arts” is much more talented than you.

But, he pissed me off when he plagerized.

And you copied this from someone else, and you didn’t cite the source.


From Someone with an eye patch, 2008/12/17 at 9:14 PM

First off, McFly, I will admit that FolkArts is a better illustrator then I, when he applies himself. But he couldn’t write a toon to save his life, and he knew it, that’s why he traced and copied pulitzer prize winning cartoonists and in case you haven’t noticed, he is out of a job – I’m still around.

I use ‘Other’ stuff on here a lot and credit when I ‘can’. The above picture was sent to me in a chain email. So if someone wanted to be credited, they should have put their name on it. If I do something original I always put my name on it. Otherwise it is credited or nothing on it at all. Not sure if you have figured it out yet, but this is a satire site. Some of it is original, some is not. If blogs were ‘restricted’ to original material by the authors, blogs would not exist. I’m interested in making people laugh, apparently you don’t like to laugh. I feel sorry for you, you must live a very sad and boring life.

Please go back to reading the Argus Leader forums and don’t worry about what’s going on here.

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