Frustrated with ignorance?

I just watched two segments of the Charlie Gibson’s interview with Palin. One was about Foreign Policy the other about American Jihad. I was so taken back with her ignorance of the issues, I didn’t know whether to laugh or to feel sorry for her?

I have a feeling the pig comment will be forgotten by the time the Sunday talk shows rail her inexperience.

Congrats on your win Obama!

UPDATE: And Palin’s position of violence against women

The new look of solar power


Who says solar energy has to be ugly and intrusive? Not these folks.

They’ve developed a new system of small photovoltaic cells that look more like ivy growing up the side of a building than giant blue panels. They’re also looking at incorporating wind power into them, which makes sense because the leaves will flutter just like the real thing. It’s functional, it’s creative, what’s not to like?

Innovations like this will drive the clean energy industry into the main stream.


Disclaimer: in case you couldn’t tell, the picture above is actual ivy. The pics from the site wouldn’t link right.

Don’t think developers are running city hall?

Think again! What is even more disheartening about this article is the fact that the company isn’t even local, so why should they care? I’ll have to give props to Callison and the Gargoyle Leader for printing this story, it’s timing is perfect with the upcoming vote on Monday. I suggest all citizens that are fed up with this type of CRAP show up to Carnegie Monday night and pack the house, show the developers, the councilors and the mayor who runs this community - the citizens, and we are fed up.