Props to South Dakota Cartoonists!

This was in the dead tree version of the Argus Leader today, in the reader rant section:

Editorial Cartoonists have rare talent

I am overwhelmed with admiration for editorial cartoonists. They are not only talented artists but purveyors of the human condition in wit, wisdom and humor. They have hyperbole down to a fine science. With uncanny ability, they make serious, controversial, uncomfortable truths into a palatable quick read that may please or rile us, and that is good.

In the September/October issue of South Dakota Magazine, Roger Holtzman pays a wonderful tribute to these clever “Pen Masters” of communication who draw South Dakota.

Mary Ann Rager

Mary, if you see this post, pick out a toon on my site and I will sign it and send it to you for your gratitude!

IF they Build it, we will pay…

My family and I think this is what our city leaders have in mind in NEEDING to raise the sales tax in Sioux Falls so please vote for the tax raise as we (Uncle Rusty and Grumps don’t agree but will not speak up at city hall because they think the coffee and cookies are poisoned by Vernal Brownie – what a pair of paranoids they are) think these Clayface Jamison (not related to current council member Bob Jamison, Jr. so no ethics whinyness needed here, SodaPopsickle) and Bob Gnats developers need better artery streets on their new development projects to ensure financial gains as the article below states.

More pointless development – YEAH!

Sport Mart / Grafonola's Records

Grampa Grumps Gumption used to work at this rural-urban center business (see photo of him outside selling merchandise in a high-spirited manner to city-slickers), and it is still “booming” thanks to the steady sales tax that the city of Sioux Falls has collected from loyal citizens for thousands of years to help beautiful Sioux Falls rural-urban centers prosper like this one. Most of my family are looking forward to living in and shopping at the new visionary Jamison & Gnats rural-urban center, and we owe it to them by paying higher taxes for their projects/profits because our council members represent us and vote for what’s best for us. THAT is why we sleep well for most of the night…


EggBert Tib. Fr. Ich. Go.

Don’t muddy the waters


“It’s a little disheartening. I ran for public office to try and help Sioux Falls and move Sioux Falls forward and do a good thing and this kind of shines a dim light on the work we’re up to.  And it’s a little set back, it’s a little annoying when you see the headlines that are out there because a lot of people don’t read past the headlines but I’m not shakened by this. I’m still confident I’m doing the right thing and that Sioux Falls has a great group of people on the city council and the future is very bright.” – Jamison

It seems some councilors think they are guilty of something, not the case at all, I wanted a clear opinion – that’s it. If Greg wants to blame someone blame himself. I gave him and Bob an opportunity to resolve this internally, instead they pleaded to the media they weren’t guilty of anything.

I did not go to the proceedings today, because I stated my case clearly on the opinion form. This is about the law, and defining it, plain and simple.

Call me crazy, but I expect integrity out of our elected officials. That’s it. I don’t want to have cookies with you, I don’t want to hang out with you, I just want you to do the right thing.