Coffee with the Council

Once again during the informational meeting yesterday some councilors mentioned they had another public input meeting last Saturday, something they are calling Coffee with the council. They were puzzled why no one showed up. Even though the city clerk said the press release did get to the media on Thursday, no one really picked up on in in the media, and the fact that Sidewalk Arts Festival was going on and there was no parking. I have a feeling they want this to fail so they can claim “Everybody seems to be happy about the job we are doing, that’s why no one shows up to these events.” Poppycock. Plenty of people show up, especially lately, to the council meetings for public input, the BEST time to address the council about concerns, in my opinion. Why? Because it is filmed and put on the record, not only what the public has to say but what the councilors answers are. Talking to you over a donut and coffee isn’t really the most effective way to make sure you are proactive. Getting you on the record is.