McCain will win by a landslide?

Well, as Scotty Hudson points out, we live in Conservative land, where the conservatives can’t seem to grasp they may lose the next election. I think it will be close, and do think McCain still has a chance, BUT, it is idiots like these people that need to grasp reality. As Rocco Tschetter pointed out to me once, people are nice here, but some of them are a bunch of uncultured hicks who have no concept of politics, art or music.

Developer Fee-Gate, or whatever

This news article is confusing, because there seems to be some confusion about Litz’s conflict of interest. Or at least he is confused. The conflict of interest (that is being questioned) has to do with canons 3 and 6 of the code of ethics not article 7. Also, I don’t think Litz or any councilor for that matter has a conflict of interest when it comes to the sales tax increase, the question is whether they can vote on developer platting fees.

I will have more on this later today, an interesting twist to Developer Fee-Gate.

One more reason why GW Bush was the worst mistake this country ever made

In his speech tonight to the RNC from the security of the White House over satellite feed he called half (or more) of this country the ANGRY LEFT. This kind of divisive language proves the the IDIOT RIGHT doesn’t represent the whole country, left and right, they only represent their own lust for power and greed and one more reason that when November comes around we give this president, John McCain and the Republicans in the House and Senate their f’ing well deserved walking papers.

Damn right we are angry.


It was a stellar month for me both on my regular site and Kelo. The Kelo stats are above.

I was averaging 5,500 unique visitors a day by the end of the month and 7,700 page views on DaCola. Heck, I think that is more people then voted in the last Sioux Falls city election!

Modern Sioux Falls Family?

I think you need 3 or 4 more kids. This plaque on the entrance to Falls Drive is a depiction of a modern Sioux Falls family. I guess you have to look like a cartoon character to be considered modern. I’m all for public art, but c’mon! Still beats the Hell out of the plaque on the other side . . .