BREAKING: South Dakota GOP holds special emergency meeting

According to the AFP (Associated Freedom Press) of South Dakota, SD Republicans have gotten so concerned about the information bloggers have been exposing about them they held an emergency meeting at Representative Krebs home last Sunday night (August 24). After the private meeting they had a conference call with AFP reporter Kendall Krankhor to answer any questions the media may have had about the meeting.

I’m not going to post the whole story, but here are some of the more memorable quotes,

“I’m not sure what the big stink about bloggers is?” said Chris Lien, “they still haven’t uncovered the fact that I’m a multi-millionaire who has nothing in common with the average South Dakotan. They can write whatever they want, I’m only down by 30 or 40 points in the polls.”

Shantel Krebs tried to clarify one of her positions,

“The bloggers took something I said and went nutty with it.” Exclaimed Krebs “I never said I wanted to put mileage monitoring devices in people’s cars. I said I was considering putting them in the shoes I sell so I can see what other stores my rich, tasteless clients shop at.”

Gene Abdallah was about as equally upset,

“Comparing me to a cartoon character who is a booger living in someone’s lungs is over the top! Yelled Gene, “I’ve been called a lot of things in my day but not something that turns up in a snot rag. Those femi-nazi’s over at Dakota Women better watch it!”

And it seems Dykstra just can’t get Johnson off the brain,

“It’s Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, 24/7 on the blogs.” Said Joel Dykstra, “Even Pat Powers at Dakota War College talked about Johnson for a week straight. I’m literally running on fumes here. I had to send baby powder to myself in the mail just so I could get some press . . . I mean . . . I hope they catch that guy.”

Boy, it looks like the SD GOP ain’t a bit too happy!