Great Letter about how arrogant Homan is . . .

Okay, maybe not, but I have said all along, I don’t have a problem with the ad, I have a problem with Dr. Horse Farmer not admitting her guilt in proofing the directory. Pam should have said, “I looked at the document and it thought it was fine. So I made a mistake, etc. etc.” Blaming K. Lesnar (publisher of the SF Shopping News) for all your problems is like blaming the devil for the same reason. Like I said, I don’t care if the ad was printed, what I have a problem with is Homan is once again skirting accountability. C’mon Pam, as super, the buck stops at your desk, wise up or quit.

Saturday Morning Picts

One Kite from the Think Tank project still remains, I attempted to climb the pillar, but I’m to short and fat to get up there and get it. And Mr. Dragonfly never woke up as I was  going thru the gate this morning, He did move one of his legs (I think he was giving me the bird.

Biden is no Cheney and he doesn’t know Squat!!!

When my Uncle Rusty saw this OBama Vice-Presidential selection article on the internets a few moments ago – http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/V/VEEPSTAKES SITE=SDSIO&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT  (Uncle Rusty stays up late worrying about current events and such – and my Aunt Bertha thinks he likes current events more than both her sexual overtones and bedroom games – as this early-in-their-courtship, not-leaving-much-to-the-imagination, erotically-charged photo illustrates…)

Cowgirl At Poker Game

– he came over to my house and woke me up as I dreamt of a Republican new world order.  In-turn, I immediately informed Granny Gumption (since she lives close by in my extra bathroom in the basement), who stated that she has heard of Biden and says “Biden is no Cheney and he doesn’t know Squat!!!” So I think an Obama-Biden ticket sounds like a losing team to me – now it is time to wake up McCane and get him a partner who can stand up on two feet, play ball of some kind, and regulate himself enough to stimulate the economy and continue this old-age Middle-East war dance.   I hope Bill O’Riledupy gets the nod as McCane’s VP candidate as he is a true cult warrior!!!  Either way, the only way the Republicans will lose is if a woman is picked. Speaking for all of women-kind, Aunt Bertha reminds us often that if a woman was Vice-President, her woman’s baby-making processes and menstruation motorcycle “would not be pretty” on the furniture and floors of the Presidential Ovul offices.


EggBert T.