Pastor(?) DooHickey’s pulpit of Hypocrisy

Yeah, comprehensive sex education (teaching BC & Abstinence together) helps teens get pregnant. Actually countless studies have proven Abstinence only ed has no effect whatsoever.

DooHickey must be taking sex ed advice from Ted (I’ll be holding) Haggard:

Shannon, the difference is your ads result in teenage girls getting pregnant.  Your ads promote behavior that is against school policy. Your ads result in girls getting hurt because you lie to them about abortion and a child ultimately dies and you guys then completely cast these gals aside. You keep no records on their well-being and there is no follow up care. The Alpha Center is a place that cleans up your mess. 

New Poll: Johnson 61%-Dykstra 34%


According to this poll, Johnson’s poll numbers went up 1% after he announced he would not debate.

75% of people polled did not think debates were not very important to them and that his decision would not determine their vote.

What does this mean? Does it mean the people of South Dakota really like Tim Johnson and are happy with his work since his return? Does it mean Joel Dykstra hasn’t raised any issues why voters should vote for him, besides the fact that Johnson will not debate, which according to this poll 75% of the people think it’s not very important? Is it a combo of both? Is is something else? Is it a bad poll?

What are your thoughts, why didn’t Dykstra see a bump from the Johnson is not debating news?

South DaCola art club w/Think Tank

Update: I received this email from K Bird

We are Think Tank, the artists behind the kite project.
We are not “Pick Fresh”.
Thanks for the post on your blog.

Marketing taken to the streets?

Who is the artist? Well this stencil artist is featured on the site? Connection perhaps?

See stencil art(?) here

I’ll have to admit this is a clever way to market your company, but you are still littering, having the police hunt you down is probably not the best way to market your company . . . Tomato soup can please . . . what was his name again? Oh yeah Andy Warhol, yawn, yawn, yawn, art school people are dumb, Rat Fink rules! But Hey I give Liberlism a bad name.

My art may suck, but at least when my TV pukes I don’t put it on a canvas.