Finally, the Truth about Hurricane Katrina

Finally, the truth about Hurricane Katrina:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0zO7JLFzOqE

I know this is “old news,” but it has stuck in my craw for years, doggone it.  My Aunt Bertha recently emailed me this revealing, honest, and informative news video.  I am so glad that we live in the safety of KELO-LAND instead of down south in Satan-spawned New Orleans. Why?  Just watch this news video for the Truth about Hurricane Katrina’s “Storm of Spiritual Cleansing” in 2005. After watching it, Granny Gumption smiled her big toothless grin and yelled out a YEE HAW!  My family is delighted (except Uncle Rusty, who ignorantly believes those who authorized, engineered, and built the man-made levy systems at a deficient level are part of the problem) that our beloved President Bush is now finally cleared of responsibility for how the people down there took advantage of that hurricane to better their extravagant TV-watching habits and footwear, etc. Closing down that city, bringing those southerners to justice, and opening up a new fishing area for the Bush family was just what Mother Nature ordered.

For sure, it has been substantiated that the people (NOT God or Jesus Christ) who live down there are to blame.

For shame to blame GWB and his loving administration.

Sincerely, EggBert T.

P.S. Below is a newly-released de-classified photograph of my Aunt Bertha as she volunteers in New Orleans back in 2005 for the FBI’s special top-secret Red Cross Volunteer Corp “Keep-ing the Looters ‘n Line” (KILL).

Female Police Officer