McSame better start eating his Spinach

Satirical depiction of Popeye by Scott L. Ehrisman

John has been crying a little bit that the media is in luv with Obama and his middle east trip. Don’t be fooled by the right. The only reason the media tagged along is so they can try to catch Obama in a gaffe. While the media has been ignoring McSame, he has been gaffing like a crazyman. Iraq bordering Pakistan? C’mon! And Chris Wallace wonders why he was never invited on the trip, hmmmmmmmm.

In other news, it seems John Edwards has a mistress, for reals this time. While cheating on your terminally ill wife is pretty low (even though I betcha she gave him permission) I’ll have to give props to John, at least he’s doing a WOMAN who also is NOT a prostitute. WOW!