Father gets to stay. Now if we can just get rid of Lou Dobbs.

As of 1:00 yesterday, Immigration officials notified Father Gallagher that he will receive his Green Card within the next few weeks.

All I can say is AMEN!

Thanks to everyone for your notes, prayers, blog postings, and other things. Yesterday was not only a happy day for Father G, but for a couple of thousand people (try the 3,000 who signed petitions, wrote letters, and generally came together to fight against this injustice).

If anything, this has shown me that the power of the people can be much greater than the stodgy bureaucracy.

A British writer once said the time that you truly see Americans at their best is when they are faced with adversity… I can go along with that, for now!

As you can see in the Cc: box, I’ve also included Father Gallagher’s e-mail address. I’m sure he’s been a bit overwhelmed to check his e-mail, but feel free to drop him a line, welcoming him to his new home. There’s still some bugs to work out (where he will serve next, for example), but he’s here to stay!

-Matt http://jackrabbitden.blogspot.com

The Gargoyle’s take on the situation.