
Okay, I finally got this song out of my head. Then CNN had to play it again! Cooked Rabbit played this song for me a couple of weeks back, and could’nt get it out of my head for at least a week. Maybe it’s the Bob Marley fan in me, but I love reggae. I think he should change the lyrics though since Obama has gone against separation of church and state and wiped his ass with the 4th Amendment. BTW, guess who voted against FISA? Yup, the presidential candidate who got the most votes in the Democratic primaries, Hillary Clinton. Suck on that Obama supporters! Fairytale is right.

You scratch my back I’ll scratch yours

As I suspected the owner of the company that has the servicing contract for the school laptop program made individual contributions to Rounds’ governor campaigns in 2000 and twice in 2006:


SDSOS.org Finance reports


The owner of this company also sat on the advisory committee that helped organize the program:


SD Dept. of Education press release


Is there anything illegal about this. NO, not at all. But it does make one suspicious why Rounds has been pushing to save this program? Doesn’t it? But when has he ever been concerned about ethics? His secretary of education says it is about the kids. Is it really about the kids?


I’m wondering how long it will take for our supposed 4th Estate to connect the dots?

Title V on it’s way to President’s desk

The Medicare bill containing a one year extension of Title V has just cleared the Senate.

The bill was already approved by the House, so the one year extension of Title V now goes to the President for signature.

The President had threatened to veto the bill (because of concerns about changes to the Medicare program, unrelated to Title V), but the bill garnered veto proof margins in both the House and the Senate.  It is not clear at this point what President Bush will do with the bill, but we should know more soon.