Obama changed his mind on funding. So what?

There was a big tah-dah today on the political shows because Obama changed his mind on public funding. So what. Sounds like a smart move to me for his campaign. Even my favorite ‘Bush doesn’t lie’ political blogger TRIED to make a big deal out of it.

I disagree with Obama about public financing, but I can see why he did it. I think ALL campaigns, big and small, should be publicly financed. They have been experimenting with it in state houses across the country, and guess what, it produces politicians that want to represent us and it sends the corrupt, greedy lobbyist boot lickers packing. Why? Because politicians no longer have to waste time making their donors happy. Yes, Bush has made oodles of mistakes, most of those mistakes stem from the corporations having his administration in their back pocket. It’s disgusting really. And it happens everywhere. Even here in Sioux Falls, certain developers can walk into city hall and get whatever they want.

Public funding of campaigns will save our country from corruption in politics, and don’t beleive that whole 1st Amendment argument the other side is selling you. It’s funny that the only time certain politicians bring up freedom of speech is when they want their pockets lined by lobbyists.

So we are back to the fact that Obama changed his mind. Sounds good to me, maybe we will get a president for once that doesn’t have a bullheaded ‘stay the course’ mentality.