
If we build it, they will come.

I wonder if this has more to do with the tribe not having a lawyer. Judges really look down on that. The last time I had to go before your highness I defended myself (after consulting a lawyer friend) He kept asking me why I did not have a lawyer, even after I agreed to plead guilty. I just told him that I chose not to hire one, he looked annoyed. They truly are a fraternity that like to line each others pockets.

If it is true that the tribe controls or even owns the road that goes to the construction site, I suggest they close the road due to emergency repairs . . . ahem.

Cartooning Workshop featuring Chris Browne

Professional cartoonists, Ken Alvine and Chris Browne, will give a free Cartooning Workshop for teens at the Oak View Branch Library on Monday, June 23, 2008, at 6:30 p.m.


Cartooning Workshop for Teens at Siouxland Libraries

Professional cartoonists, Ken Alvine and Chris Browne, will give a free Cartooning Workshop for teens at the Oak View Branch Library on Monday, June 23, 2008, at 6:30 p.m. In this 90-minute workshop for students who have completed fifth grade and up, basic cartooning techniques will be demonstrated and discussed. Participants will have the opportunity to see if they have what it takes to be a cartoonist.

Ken Alvine is the author of instructional books and videos about the teaching of cartooning. Chris Browne writes and draws the immensely popular comic strip, “Hagar the Horrible.”

This workshop is offered as part of Metamorphosis @ Your Library, a free reading program where teens can earn a variety of prizes by keeping track of their summer reading. Reading logs are available at any Siouxland Libraries branch.

For more information, contact the Youth Services Division of Siouxland Libraries at 367-8710.

Water Rates


I figured the council would vote to raise the water rates. There really is no way around it. But after watching the meeting it got me thinking. I often see city parks water sprinklers on, when they don’t need to be and it started to get me to think about conservation and such.

What if water rates were on a sliding scale for residential customers? The more water you conserve the smaller your water rate would be. I know there are some homeowners who abuse water usage on there lawns, etc. I think they should have to pay a higher rate. I think it would promote conservation and would actually raise more money for the Lewis & Clark water project. Federal money would be nice, but it isn’t a guarantee, so we need to be thinking of creative ways to pay for it.

Sodapop and I pay about $14.00 a month now for sewer and water.