Vanderlinde Kicks Ass! Union County Dilusional!


Martha garnered over half the vote, 56%. I guess it proves Democrats really want Democrats representing them in Pierre. Imagine that! I also want to comment on all the people crying about the phone calls they were getting from campaigns. One TV story even featured a lady from Renner who refused to vote because of it (good, because we don’t want ignorant people voting anyway.) Two simple solutions; 1) Register as an independent and 2) Don’t give your phone number or email to ANY campaign. Duh.


Artist Ron English at it again

Ron is best known for his paintings of McDonald’s characters as fat little kids used in the documentary ‘Super Size Me’.

You know election fever has truly hit the streets when the endlessly innovative Ron English includes Presidential hopeful McCain in his own campaign: “Popaganda.” This notorious street and gallery artist is still keeping it real after years of highlighting American ironies and hypocrisies on anything from a street corner all the way up to massive Los Angeles billboards. We’re not sure how McCain or Viagra feel about this, but we can say with absolute certainty: this shit is dope.