And the winner is . . .

Angry Guy. I use the ‘laugh out loud’ rule, and this one did make me laugh.


RUNNER UP, Ghost of Dude:

I decided to take on the First Amendment because like rural stop signs, it’s really more of a guideline than a rule.


I decided to take on the First Amendment because it doesn’t give you a free pass to be irresponsible.

MOST CRASS, Angry Guy:

I decided to take on the First Amendment because  I hadn’t read my name in a headline in a while. Who do you have to kill around here to get a little face time with the cameras?

Angry guy wins a South DaCola T-shirt and Ghost of Dude gets a signed toon print of his choice

No Tax Increase – The Beaurcrats lose for once

http://siouxfalls.granicus.com/ViewPublisher.php?view_id=2 click on May 12 meeting

One of my better performances. De WAS not too happy with me accusing her of being fiscally irresponsible. I guess the truth hurts. And General Jamison loves to tax the poor.

I wish I could of taken a picture of the look I got from Jodi ‘internets’ Schwan as I was walking out of Carnegie. Ice, Ice, Baby. I don’t think I’ll be asking her out on a date anytime soon.