(F)Arts Night gets Stinkier every year

Another Arts Night has come and gone this year and not much has changed. Except for the fact that the jurors names were made known to the submitting artists, some of my major concerns still have not been dealt with. My biggest complaint about Arts Night, wasn’t that the jurors were secretive, it was that the exhibit was juried to begin with. I felt that artists who have been giving since it’s induction, like myself, should not be rejected. The Pavilion was soliciting a donation, why would they reject that donation? My contention has always been, only solicit artists that you know would submit quality work, therefore eliminating a juried show. Also by eliminating the jury, you also eliminate the conflicts of interest of some of the artists. Funny how board members who donate always get selected for the exhibit (Paul Schiller in particular). It is also rumored that other board members have been included this year to. Apparently Arts Night has turned into a ‘club’ event (The board member‘s pieces also brought the biggest bids). I did not attend, but heard the prices were once again rock-bottom for the unconnected and un-established artists. This of course is the other problem I have with Arts Night, no minimum bids. I thought this was a fund-raiser, not Benson’s Flea Market? The most amazing part is that some of the wealthiest people in Sioux Falls attend the event, they probably drop a good $500-$600 just to attend, yet will only bid $100 on original art that will last a lifetime.

I guess we know what the priorities of the mucky-mucks are. Lavish lifestyles and bargain art. Sioux Falls; Arts Mecca – gag me with a spoon.

William Janklow; as UnAmerican as you can get


I have commented in the past that I didn’t agree with the column Randell Beck wrote. It was mean and uncalled for. But it was no doubt satire, and he had a (legal) right to print it. Besides, Scott, threw the first satirical punch. Did he expect Garson and Beck to take it lying down? Don’t pick a fight with a place that buys ink by the barrel. Trust me, they have beaten me up a few times to, but I punch back, because the First Amendment gives me that right. Hiring a lawyer to defend yourself against a joke is a joke. It is the chickenshit route.

But this is less about Scott then it is about Janklow. There is a lot you can say about Janks reputation over the years.  But taking on the 1st Amendment and thinking that 12 podunk SD jurors have the right to define our most important amendment is just flat wrong. It also is UnAmerican and unpatriotic. Does Janklow think he is wiser then the likes of Franklin, Hamilton and Jefferson? Give me a break. Without the First Amendment, this country would cease to exist, it allows us to dissent our political and organizational (Dan Scott) leaders. I hope this is the straw the breaks the camel’s back, and after Jank’s loses big time (and he will) maybe he will finally crawl in a hole where we never here from him again. We could be so F’ing lucky.

I think I’m going to go puke now.