Sioux Falls City Council ENDORSEMENTS – SouthDaCola style

Once again I disagree with the Gargoyle Leader on their endorsements. Which doesn’t surprise me. I have always said a political endorsement by them is the kiss of death anyway.

Some of the reasons I am endorsing these candidates is because we need more women, minorities, youth and independent thinkers on the council.

Theresa Stehly – At Large
I have been lucky enough to get to know Theresa and help her campaign. The one thing that impresses me about Theresa is her determination. I also like the fact that Theresa is single with no children and self-employed, this means she can dedicate more time to the council then her opponent. Theresa is also an independent thinker, a fiscal conservative and a citizen advocate.

Daniel Brooks – Northwest
I didn’t know much about Daniel before the debate last night, but I was thoroughly impressed by his demeanor and his sense of community pride. I also liked his ideas about getting more private money to fund WANTS in SF.

Jabez Brunz – Southwest
I’m not 100% sold on Jabez, but I do like his youth and working class attitude. His opponent, Greg Jamison, is the son of Bob ‘General Hand-Up’ Jamison. I have known Greg for years because he works in the advertising business. I like Greg and think he is a great guy, and a fair businessman, but I think he is out of touch with the normal Joe, and will bring only more of the same to the City Council, and I wasn’t  much of a fan of his father either.

Amanda Todd – Northeast
I like Amanda for some of the same reasons I like Theresa. Though they both are independent thinkers, I think Amanda’s youth and social attitude towards the less fortunate citizens is something Sioux Falls needs on the council. Knudson thinks she is that person, yeah, right. 

Bush’s War


Not sure if anyone watched this 4 1/2 hour 2-part series, but I actually sat through it (sober). It was one of the most comprehensive doc’s so far about the war. Many of the information presented I knew, but PBS did a fine job in putting it in a timeline. One thing I ultimately got out of it was that Bush has had and still does have very unexperienced and politically motivated advisors. Technically the war could have been over in 6 months, but so many bad decisions were made, that dream is long gone. My favorite comment was from one official (I think Armitage), “Rumsfeld liked to piss on hydrants.” I recomend everyone watchs the rebroadcast.