Though I rarely disagree with Cory at Madville, I have to say clothed strippers at the Big Boy Toy Show this weekend is ‘No big deal’. There has been half naked women at the show before, what’s the difference if they are called ‘models’ or ‘strippers’ – big whoop. As a anti-censorship advocate I am rarely phased by much, as I found this story to be quite comical and much ado about nothing. I will say this though, the businesses that pulled their sponsorship have that right, and I applaud them for practicing that right, it’s a free country and you can do what you want. There are many businesses that I do not shop or dine at anymore because I disagree with some of the business decisions they have made.

I will agree with Cory on one aspect of the show though;

Now if we could just get over all the marekting machismo and trying to convince men that they can compensate for their shortcomings by buying larger, louder toys….

The bigger the motorbike or truck, the smaller the package. Maybe they need to rename the show to ‘The little Pee-Pee, Big boy, Toy show’

By l3wis

13 thoughts on “A bunch of fuddy-duddies cry about (clothed) strippers”
  1. funny that boney could try to atleast get one of those has been tramps from rock of love season one or two.
    i remember the year where the dahm thriples were there, sponsored by mace drs, who made bank by taking digital photos of anyone that would pay to stand next to the half neeked playboy playmates.
    later that day the girls were found at phils pub, where skip was been skip, learing and drooling, while they watched their cousins band search for george.
    now those were the days.

  2. It had nothing to do with the girls, it had to do with the name ‘Scarlett O’Hara’s’ another faux controversy that is going nowhere.

  3. I am rarely phased by much


    I suppose that is the modern version of “fazed” or an indication of immunity to modern police “tools”?

    I must note in this context that my wife did not think that Playboy was something she wanted to find in our mailbox even if I could get it for a buck a copy. Guess that means I will buy “AUTOMOBILE” or “MOTOR TRENT” instead.

  4. Did you tell her they cover it in black plastic now? But I don’t blame her, it really is only good for the articles anymore.

  5. Actually, I haven’t seen a Playboy magazine on a rack here or a rack in Playboy either.

    Brown paper bag or black plastic bag, my wife would not be amused.

    Incidentally, WIRED magazine has a statistically interesting story on Playboy Centerfolds. Inquiring minds want to know.
    Silicone enhancement is strongly suggested by the divergent data.

    More seriously, the same WIRED issue has an interesting story on the genetic research being done by a father with a daughter who has a rather mysterious illness.

    Enough from the More than you wanted to know department.

  6. Doug- Does your wife know you are her talking about these things? I get in trouble quite a bit with the ‘DaCola wives Club’

  7. Actually, my wife is pretty tolerant of my “humor” although, now and then it is followed with, “Do you want supper or not?”

    Well, we are both happy to finally see that Bush Junior is off to Texas in search of something else he can screw up.

    We heard that about 50 people in Dallas, SD were very happy that Bush wasn’t coming to that Dallas. But, don’t take that too seriously.

    Watching Obama and wife walk down the street. I’d like to see him inside the limousine instead. One huge crowd. The kind of place a Scandinavian would avoid like the plague.

    Enough humbug. Finally got a Plymouth Laser my son has running again. That has required some long searches on EBay and parts sites. Skinned my knuckles up, so will go find some tamed iodine.

    Happy New Administration.

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