South DaCola

A bunch of fuddy-duddies cry about (clothed) strippers

Though I rarely disagree with Cory at Madville, I have to say clothed strippers at the Big Boy Toy Show this weekend is ‘No big deal’. There has been half naked women at the show before, what’s the difference if they are called ‘models’ or ‘strippers’ – big whoop. As a anti-censorship advocate I am rarely phased by much, as I found this story to be quite comical and much ado about nothing. I will say this though, the businesses that pulled their sponsorship have that right, and I applaud them for practicing that right, it’s a free country and you can do what you want. There are many businesses that I do not shop or dine at anymore because I disagree with some of the business decisions they have made.

I will agree with Cory on one aspect of the show though;

Now if we could just get over all the marekting machismo and trying to convince men that they can compensate for their shortcomings by buying larger, louder toys….

The bigger the motorbike or truck, the smaller the package. Maybe they need to rename the show to ‘The little Pee-Pee, Big boy, Toy show’

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