7 Thoughts on “Exceptions?

  1. Daschle???? Hasn’t he been a lobyist?

  2. I think Daschle worked for some non-profits and PACs but not sure about lobbyist. His wife is though.

  3. Interesting that you can make this cartoon and no one will call you “unAmericah”.

  4. Or “unAmerican”.

  5. Sorry you are right. He is very careful not to be “called” a lobbyist. He just works for a lobbying firm.

    “After losing re-election to the Senate in 2004, Daschle became a public policy adviser and member of the legislative and public policy group at the law and lobbying firm Alston & Bird. Daschle isn’t registered as a lobbyist. He advises clients on issues including health care, financial services and taxes and trade, according to the firm’s Web site.

    Health care interests, including CVS Caremark, the National Association for Home Care and Hospice, Abbott Laboratories and HealthSouth, are among the firm’s lobbying clients.”

  6. Ghost of Dude on January 28, 2009 at 4:05 pm said:

    No amazed comments from any of the righties who lurk here? Amazing.

  7. Why would the right be praising me? Lobbyists ran Bush’s admin and McCain’s campaign, par for course according to them, and as far as I am concerned, all politicians are lackeys to lobbyists, as Obama has proven.

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