South DaCola

Greetings from Misery: Too Much the Magic Bus

My job is to train teachers how to best use computers in their classrooms. I train them in computer basics, webpage design, opperating SMART Boards, etc. My organization is a national leader in such professional development.

So, when a story concerning access to technology close to home comes across my Google Reader, I pay close attention.

Our rather creative city council thinks it might be a good idea to offer free wi-fi on city buses. Although there is a recession going on, some council members think free wi-fi is just the ticket to get more riders on city buses in order to raise the bus system’s revenue.

Now, I realize that none of you are all that familiar with the bus lines in Columbia, MO. What you should know is that it does not run very often or to very many parts of the town. I would ride the bus downtown almost daily if it stopped anywhere near my house – just over a mile away. That and the buses never run. I lived here for six months before I actually saw a bus.

Here’s an idea: Schedule the buses more often and to travel to more parts of town and maybe more people will use them…especially with a recession in effect.

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