South DaCola

I would like to introduce Senator Drescher

Kennedy drops out of NY Senate race

Looks like Fran may have a chance. Kennedy says she is dropping out for personal reasons, some suspect Teddy’s brain cancer, but I have also heard she wasn’t going to be asked because Governor Patterson got annoyed by Kennedy’s lawyers (what did I say about giving seats to elitists? Huh? Huh?) Kinda hard to get rejected when you are not in the running anymore. Way to save face Caroline!

Obama retakes oath

Obama’s counsel advises him to retake oath to quell the media about Roberts fumble (mainly FUX News and Wallace). So he retook the oath last night. But only allowed print media, which of course pissed off the TV news, again, mainly FUX News and Wallace.

Obama expected to close Gitmo today

Or at least get the process started. Which has wingnuts up in arms. Who cares where the terrorist prison is, Hell put it in Pierre, South Dakota, there’s a lot of BACKROOMS we could hold them in the Capital and Governor’s office.

Governor (Dictator) Rounds decides it’s ok to give info to anon legislators

Well thank you Mikey! It only took you a few days to realize we live in a Democracy. Hunhoff’s comment is the best;

“It’s the right position and one that should have been in place for the last 100 years,” he said of the agreement. “But it could change the next time we have a new bureaucrat.”

The Washington Pavilion is getting in the Pre-School business

When I first read this story, I thought it was a joke. Nope. The Pavilion has decided that they aren’t wasting the public’s time and money fast enough.

“This isn’t going to be a money maker for us, but my requirement was that it at least be a cost-neutral program,” Wood said Wednesday.

Ah, Gary, since when was the Pavilion concerned about ‘making money’? Is this something new we should know about? Even though they claim to breakeven on the program, other people say it is expensive;

Charging “on the higher end” of area rates can be justified by the services and resources the Pavilion provides, said Lacie Petersen.

Well, I couldn’t agree more, but you also have to consider the Pavilion’s track record . . .

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