South DaCola

Less talk and more action

Rounds hard at work fixing another dilemma

I guess the recession came out of nowhere, according to Rounds;

Like the rest of the nation, South Dakota is in a recession. Governor Mike Rounds says the dramatic drop in state revenue linked to sales tax is unlike anything he’s ever witnessed. He says this current recession is the largest since the great depression.

This has been taking shape for over 13 months, and when a entire country, heck even world, go into a global tailspin, you take action, fast. Nope, not Mike’s style. Let’s wait until the entire bottom drops out before we take action. When would have been a good time? Well if I was Mike I would have started making cuts this summer when gas prices went through the roof. I think if the governor would have at least made an attempt to cut back across the board 7-8 months ago we wouldn’t be in such a pickle right now.

It tells me something I have known about Mike, for a very long time;

He is an incompetent leader that is more concerned about paying back his contributors in no-bid contracts than helping the hardworking citizens of this state. It think it is grounds for impeachment leaving the taxpayers of this state holding the (empty) bag. Sad. Very sad.

“It doesn’t mean that we’re done. Next year, this same legislative body will be back here for our budget proposal for the next year which is 2011. It’s not that far away. They will begin with a structural deficit of $30 million,” the governor said.

And now I am wondering when Mayor Munson is going to wakeup from his deep sleep and take action. It’s no secret a big chunk of that budget comes from Sioux Falls so what is Northside Davey gonna do? Keep borrowing and spending on projects that are either unneeded or would have been paid for by the Feds? It seems Dave would prefer to hand his financial irresponsibility and massive debt service over to the next mayor and council.

Big government Republicans – scary stuff.

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