“Good, cuz I was getting tired of Cuban food.”

Moving quickly to reverse his predecessor’s policies on the treatment of terror suspects, President Barack Obama on Thursday signed an executive order to shut down the Guantanamo Bay prison within a year.

By l3wis

12 thoughts on “Obama to close Shitmo”
  1. Interesting that you mention Cuban food.

    The Gitmo guys got their cultural cuisine, their religious rituals, etc. Wonder what Americans who were about to be beheaded by radical Islamics got during their captivity.

  2. It is interesting how people are willing to do the wrong thing because someone else did it. Doesn’t seem like the conservative thing to do.

    We need to strive to be better than our enemy. We need to treat people with respect and punish accordingly.

    If Johny jumped off a bridge would you?

  3. It is interesting how people are willing to do the wrong thing because someone else did it. Doesn’t seem like the conservative thing to do.

    Amazing how WWJD only applies to people we like.

    Torture: it’s okay when we do it.

  4. The 3 cousins; Islam, Christianity, Judism, and they all hate each other, and cause all of the war and terror in our world; go figure.

  5. OMG. Talk about timing.

    Last year I made a donation to the Flight 93 memorial project.

    I just opened today’s mail. Inside was an update on the project and a request for additional funds — the same day Obama delays justice for Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the SOB who one of the reasons this memorial has to be built.

    I feel like I’m going to be sick.

    But not before I write another check.

  6. C’mon. I think as a lawyer at heart Obama just wants to review their cases himself. Trust me, no matter who is president, those guys will fry.

  7. Why? Give me a reason? He is the new president, why wouldn’t he want to review their cases? I commend him on it actually.

  8. We’re goona put the guy in an isolated cell at the supermax for the rest of his life, which may be only a few years. The least we can do is insure he doesn’t get out on a technicality. Do it right.

  9. It stinks because if it turns out we made him put his panties on his head or something, it could fit the Obama Administration’s definition of torture, and they will go easy on him.

    But wait. They don’t have a definition yet. Maybe they will look at this SOB, and whatever we did to him, is it. The “technicality” might be provided by the Obama Administration itself.

    Too bad they didn’t just cut his b—ls off. That would be worse than beheading, ’cause he wouldn’t be able to play with the virgins.

    Yeah, you know what, that’s harsh and hateful. Learned well from reading this blog.

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