Once again, Lund proves to be the worst SD Blogger (besides Ellis and Sibson) – But he does have nice hair.
Doug’s portrayal of Franken on SNL is pretty accurate, but he doesn’t know a damn thing about him politically.
It’s sure going to be interesting to see if Al Franken has the rocky mountain oysters to continue being as outspoken on the floor of the United States Senate when actually confronting the sources of his irritation just across the aisle.
We’ll be watching, Al, to see if you’re good enough and you’re smart enough.
Just don’t turn your head too far to the left or we’ll lose the signal.
This is one of the main reasons we need Franken more then ever. Ever since Wellstone Mysteriously died in a plane crash we haven’t had a good old fashioned fanatic liberal from the Midwest representing us. Do I think ALL Dems need to be bleeding heart liberals? Not at all, but it’s good to have people like Franken and Dennis Kucinich to shake things up a bit. I think Franken will be a very outspoken and effective senator for Minnesota.
The thing I admire the most about Al is his ability to be serious about politics but still have a sense of humor and wit, and willing to defend it. Just because you are involved in serious political matters doesn’t mean you can’t be funny. I get my balls racked quite a bit about it. I think it is essential for people to have some cynicism when comes to politics, otherwise you’ll just end up being dissapointed in the end.
I suggest Lund reads Franken’s book, Lies and the Lying Liars who tell them, it is propably one of the most truthful political books about the lunacy of the right, and how their policies have blown up in our faces. The book has been praised for it’s abundance of FACTUAL information. It has been said that their has been only one point in the book partially disproven.
Maybe Lund shouldn’t read it, he did work for KELO-TV and I would hate for his fine reputation as a TV journalist covering stories about antique tractors and leftsa feeds to be tarnished.
According to Doug, Air America Radio is defunct?
Doug’s brain is defunct. What’s better is reading all the comments of Lund’s fans under the story link. That shit is funnier then SNL.
I have to admit that until about 6 years ago, I was nothing more than a vet who didn’t care much for war. That was about as far as my politicking went. But I somehow was drawn to FOX News and their coverage of the war in the early phases of “Shock & Awe”, Version 2. Then I read “Lies & The Lyin’ Liars…” That book was very eye opening for me, especially concerning how the various news medias choose to present the “news”. We were led into that war largely by the steady wardrums of cable news, talk radio, and the fourth estate. What a huge blunder.
I think you can see by the coverage of what’s goin on in Gaza, all major news outlets, be it print, cable news, the big three of CBS, NBS, and ABC, are doing a much better job of seeking out the truth. There are two exceptions. Fox News and talk radio.
Anyway, long story short. That book, more than anything, probably led me to be much more critical of what I see and hear and read.
“We were led into that war largely by the steady wardrums of cable news, talk radio, and the fourth estate. What a huge blunder.”
If you have time you should search for Lund’s post about how the MSM didn’t know the war would be a mistake, funny stuff.
I found it humorous considering this 36 year old graphic artist opposed this war from the beginning because of the information our own government and UN weapons inspectors were providing us on websites, but somehow a 30 year veteran TV journalist couldn’t find that info and report it. Poppycock.
If you have time you should search for Lund’s post about how the MSM didn’t know the war would be a mistake, funny stuff.”
You got any idea about how old that blog is l3wis? I ain’t got the time or the stomach to wade back thru all his stuff.
BTW, I checked out Doug’s Franken blog. I thought it was kinda boring, so I tried to spice it up a bit.
I found it:
BTW, I loved the comment on his post about Franken’s college degree vs. Doug’s.