Hossenpheffer clears up the debate about Fairey’s HOPE print and Garcia’s photo that DooHickey is up in arms about. Garcia responds to her email:

Please tell me Mr Garcia, if you are upset about pop artist Sheperd Fairey’s Hope poster that was created using a photo you took. It is wonderful that a pop art piece is being included in the National Portrait Gallery.


My friends and I are in a heated debate over this. Some say Fairey  ‘stole’ your work, some say he was inspired by it. It is cold in South Dakota and we are cooped up and forced to debate such issues. What are your feelings?


You are a great talent.

With hope,



Ms. ——-,


It must be very cold out there and you all need to do something with more activity, LOL. At this point I can’t comment on the issues of the situation. I’ve attached a link to my website & a blog for your review.


Stay warm and I hope this finds you in good health & spirits,












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