I got tipped off about this a few weeks back, but thought it was a joke. Well I heard more info today from some little birdies. It may be coming down the pipe. The planning department and the mayor’s office didn’t find a need to tell the councilors yet, that’s the rumor anyway (and it wasn’t on Jodi’s Facebook page).

Basically they are working on a loan to upgrade the Zoo, and Great Bear, and some other pet projects by taking out a bond. Yup, all during a recession. Because, if one thing is important during a recession, it is monkey crappers and bunny hills!

I don’t think the city should have bought Great Bear and the Zoo to begin with, my philosophy has always been if there is a ‘need’ for something, it will at least be self-sufficient. The city golf courses actually make the city money every year. Why? BECAUSE THEY ARE USED AND NEEDED!

More to come on the amount and details, once I remember my Facebook log-in.

PS- There is also another storm brewing at City Hall, but I’ll let the MSM handle this one. Let’s just put it this way; if you are still ignorant to the fact that Munson is fiscally irresponsible, you’ll know for a fact after you hear this story.

By l3wis

8 thoughts on “Quality of Life Bond? WTF?”
  1. Rather than upgrade why not sell both? Lets put together a RFP. I’ll be a non-profit could be formed to run both and get them off of the cities books.

  2. That’s how it basically was with the ZOO, but it had very bad management. The solution was to change the management, which they did, and I like the new Zoo director, she is very professional and creative. They should go back to that. As for Great Bear, they may turn a corner here eventually, if the City would stop taking out loans on the place. But the guy who runs that place is quite the talker and very popular, who knows what he got the city talked into building him.

  3. Surfing the web can burn up a day faster than Rounds can sign a no bid advertising contract!

    Or fly off to Vermillion in a state plain to court a sport league.

  4. Well, I don’t blame Jodi entirely, it is partially Munson’s fault, he didn’t want to hire her anyway, so I’m sure when he did, he just decided to let her do whatever she wanted, she probably got bored and started creating work for herself, why do you think I blog?

  5. I think your right. He didn’t want to fill the position. So he did the next best thing. He filled it with a hottie.

    Scored big points with the service club boys downtown. They all wished they would have hired her as well.

    They will have a chance in 14 months.

  6. Well, she wasn’t his first pick.

    I was told by a councilor he asked a veteran administrator from Pierre, but she wasn’t willing to take a pay cut and move. She asked for around $120,000.

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