South DaCola

Rounds proposing 200 new rate and tax increases in 2009

What a guy! People are losing their jobs left and right, the economy is in the pooper, and Mike’s solution, stick it to the man a little harder.

SouthDakotaMac puts the beat down on him.

The Budget Sock Puppet delivers the Rounds spin on their new maniac tax spree: We’re long past due – in fact we’ve one tax hike that was last changed way back in 1951!

And those water permit fees ain’t been hiked up since 1977. And lookee here, boys! We got $8 drivers license taxes and now let’s hike those suckers up to 20 bucks!!! WooooooooWEEEE! And look yonder, Governor, heah comes Princess Shantel and she’s gonna increase taxes 12 million bucks on old cars and pickups ‘cause them stupid po’ folk want to pay mo’ taxes too! YeeeeeeHAW!!!! Who the hell cares if po’ folks are losing their jobs and the banks are foreclosing on homes and repossessin’ their cars. We gonna have us a passel o’ tax increases and party like it’s 2 double-ott nine!

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