Obama, I know you wanna be all bipartison and shit, but that only works when the other side actually has good ideas. Remember it was their party and president that put us in the crapper. Tell them thanks, but no thanks, we’ll take it from here.

Obama, please stop playing nice with the Republicans in Congress to pass your legislation. The country rejected conservative philosophy and turned to you to try and navigate us out of this economic Armageddon that we are facing.

I understand that you’ve promised bipartisanship and you’ve kept that promise. However, implementing the massive corporate tax cuts in your plan to appease the Boehners of the right is counterproductive.

About two-thirds of the $825 billion is reserved for spending and the rest for tax breaks. In the Republican response to the president’s address, Representative John A. Boehner of Ohio, the House minority leader, called for deeper tax cuts instead.

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