Just another symbol of hypocrisy and arrogance.

As I have said in the past, the flier issue could have been handled quickly and easily if Pam would have just done her job and reprimanded her communications director for not doing her job, then apologizing to the public. Now another organization is suffering because of it;

Youth Enrichment Services, which provides after-school programs for children ages 5 to 12, traditionally has set up a booth at the district’s annual information night on kindergarten. But the ban on fliers approved in November means the group no longer can set up at such events to hand out literature.

Of course another solution would be to ban Leslee Unruh from Sioux Falls all together and take her virginity dime store with her.

“We’re all frustrated,” board member Deana Barth said. “It’s an awful environment we live in that laws sort of take precedence over what kids need. But that’s where we are now. Our hands are tied.”

Um, Deana, why did you vote for the ban then? I think the message to send would have been to tell your employee, Homan, to go do her job and fire the communications director and hire one that is interested in upholding policies, that would have been FOLLOWING THE LAW.

By l3wis

6 thoughts on “Super Homan’s decision not to do her job has more consequences.”
  1. Policy (Pawl-e-see)noun, english:

    A document put in place to obsolve bureaucrats of all decision making and the use of common sense.

    “It is our policy that no third party fliers of any kind are allowed to be handed out to students or parents at school events because some whacko theocrats put an ad in the last one.”

  2. What is so stupid about the whole thing is that the School District’s lawyers could draw up a legal contract with the groups and make them sign it, maybe even have them pay a registration fee to cover the cost of reviewing materials. And only let the ‘safe’ and ‘secular’ orgs participate like Boy Scouts, YES, Soccer, etc. The way they handle things sometimes just makes me shake my head. No common sense in SF government.

  3. You mean like the policy the Super is required to live and pay property taxes within the SF school district? Maybe someone should sue the SF School district over letting Horse Farmer break that policy.

  4. Or send a different person to each school board meeting and have them bring it up.
    Guerilla politics.

  5. I sometimes watch the meetings on TV if something is interesting on the agenda. If I had kids or paid a lot in property taxes I would be at every single meeting chewing those boneheads out. They are worse than the councilors sometimes.

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