Just another loser Viking

Ah, it’s that time of the year. Cold weather and the Vikings not going to the Super Bowl.

Though I don’t follow sports, Viking’s fans amuse me every year on TV when they give their long list of why the Vikes didn’t pull it off, again, this year. Let me sum it up in one word – CHOKE!

Wonder if they will get that new stadium?

By l3wis

2 thoughts on “The Minnesota Vikings choke . . . again”
  1. When it comes to praying in school, it amazes me all the local people that want it restored. Well I attended schools in northern SD for 12 years, and neither of them had prayer in school. This also applies to the schools in neighboring areas. My hunch is that the public schools that had prayer in them were in the Bible belt. Anybody can pray in a public school as long as it is done silently. Also what kid hasn’t said “God, let me pass this test?”

  2. Dear Mr. redhattherb: Yes, most all of my family agrees (except Uncle Rusty and Gramps Grumpy, who just think the team generally sucks under their current coaching staff) that we Christian Vikings who long ago conquered and now occupy this Valhalla Heavenly Paradise on Earth that is called South Dakota (where sheep and citizens roam freely and act accordingly as we like it) should pray in school to pass tests, as well pray devotedly in the fields, pastures, metrodome (for the Vikings football team to kick their oppenents’ buttocks’s) and about everywhere else that wool is warm, soft, comfy, cozy, fuzzy, and warm…


    EggBert hut hut hut hut amen

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