The Lizard King Danced tonight.
Our initiative petition to decrease the sales tax is null and void, and apparently was before we even started. According to city’s bonding agent (who holds older bonds with us against the 1.92% rate) If we were to try to reduce the tax to 1.90% we could be sued for the full amount borrowed against that rate already by the city, $165 million dollars. Sorry, but I don’t have that kind of money. But at least we were able to educate some people in the community about the wasteful spending going on at city hall.
And more of it happened tonight. Seven councilors approved a $38 million dollar loan to pay off the levees before we got Federal aid. Too bad. It will cost taxpayers over $12 million in interest plus $38 in principal to pay for something that the FEDS probably would have given us money for, now they have no obligation to pay us back.
Too bad.
Kudos to Councilor Costello for voting against it.