Out with lumber – in with what?

So what do you think is moving in on the soon to be vacant five acres?

Plans for a new downtown development at the present site of the Schoeneman Building Materials Center will be unveiled this month when Downtown Sioux Falls holds its annual meeting Feb. 12.

Whoever guess correctly (my guess does not count) wins a cartoon print of choice from South Dacola

By l3wis

19 thoughts on “Any Guesses?”
  1. A city of Sioux Falls Project- something to take it off of the tax rolls. Maybe a parking ramp for the new events center!

  2. A threeplex downtown would be nice. I know the State has a plan, but that’s like waiting for paint to dry. I also think a movie theatre downtown would help the restaurant business.

  3. Clearly. When was the last time the State of SD had a plan?

    If I had the money or the borrowing power, I’d put a theatre downtown, and it would serve good food and have a malt beverage license.

    There’s nothing quite like watching The Godfather while eating spaghetti and meatballs and drinking a good Italian wine.

  4. I agree with John. Somewwhere on another forum I saw a layout of what the landscape of DT Sioux Falls would like ten years from now, courtesy of a poster going by the handle of FSDFLYER. That land is penciled in for parking for the EC that will be crammed down our throats.

  5. Multi-use development – primarily apartments (not condos as they will not be for sale). The lowest level will house a variety of retail shops, cafes, coffee shops etc.

    Of course the developer is hoping and praying (or preying if you prefer) that the EC is built downtown here the DTSF and City Council want it even though the vast majority of the city don’t. If that does happen, the rental rates will go up overnight and the place will be a cash cow.

  6. We will eventually have an EC no matter what happens. In that case, it should be build DT and geared toward concerts and shows instead of sporting events.
    Unfortunately, our city leaders are stuck on stupid with their plan to copy and paste the Fargodome on a corn field somewhere west of town.

  7. Dear iEwuss: I took an EggBert family poll and these are some of their ideas (EACH funded solely with taxpayer dollars, of course) to build a humongous shrine-like complex in that lumber area that would include the following: 1) a wax museum of local celebrities, i.e. beloved weathermiester Shawn Cable-TV, Pastor Steve, Jodi Schlong, etc., 2) a house of Rohenwurst mirrors & glass (representing our city’s unbreakable, reflective, and brilliant method of spending), 3) a multi-purpose sports complex/event center/enclosed football stadium/boxing ring which would be rightly named The Big Bob Schlitz Thunder Dome of Rome, 4) and an exclusive downtown golf course/shooting gallery/Sioux Falls Developer economic tower/magician theatre/shopping mall/indoor waterpark/chess club center, all to honor our beloved Mayorless Munchkin. The entire facility could be called “Mayorless Munchkin’s Magic Sewer River Fantasy Island World.” If this type of new dowtown pavilion was built (and had the right kind of expensive windows in place), then his tiny sidekick, Mayorless Dee Dee, could loudly & proudly proclaim, “Boss – Look, Ze new windows! Ze new windows! Zey are glowing een ze sky…”


    EggBert & family (except Uncle Rusty and Grumps Gumps, who think it should be turned into a new city spending-waste landfill dumpsite)

  8. “Mayorless Munchkin’s Magic Sewer River Fantasy Island World.”

    We already have a facility like that, it’s called the Empire Mall.

  9. Downtown would be a good location, but I betcha my property taxes would go up.

    Only if your property value increased too.

  10. Cool. Too bad they wouldn’t build it even closer to my home, I could sit out front in lawnchair and sell parking in my driveway for $5 everytime a major act came to town, I would also have a bootleg t-shirt stand.

  11. $5? We had people charging $10-$20 to park on their lawns for a football game in my college town.
    Of course, $5 is probably still too much for the average cheapskate south dakotan.

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