Dear beloved National exlax-leaders of America: (Including George H. Happy Bush, Babs, George W. Walking Bush, Babs, Jr., Dickie Chainy, Professor WolfofWiz, Donald D. Duck Rumsy, Mr. Turkey Turd Blossom Rover, Connie Rice-a-Roni, etc.)
Please come back and SOL (Save Our Land), because what with President Obummer’s sucky cabinet picks (tax-cheaters), his horrible choices to bring down our booming Sioux Falls economy (tax cuts and stimulus package? – bah! Our past president demanded that we spend and go broke, and this is what we EggBerts are going to do, doggone it…), his desire for Peace in the Middle East (and worldwide, the Anti-Patriotic War President), and his choice of dark & evil skin color, WE are now ALL going down the poop-hole… Â
EggBert & family (except Uncle Rusty & Gramps Grumpy, who both like left-winger losers…)
P.I.S.S. – God, I miss His untouchable, more than two-ply strength…