South DaCola

Etta James wants to whoop Beyonce’s ass!

Etta? Have you seen Beyonce’s butt? You are gonna need a couple more cans!

She wasn’t to happy about Obama’s ears either;

While on stage, Etta told the crowd, “Your President, the one with the big ears … he had that woman singing my song. She gone get her ass whipped.”

I heard John Thune was estatic about Obama’s ears. I’ll have to admit, old people say crazy things, but I was disappointed in the fact that Etta wasn’t asked to do her own song at the ball. I have often argued she was the first Queen of R & R, and Beyonce? A blip in time. But hey, it’s all about image these days (just look at what Yo-Yo Ma and Itzhak did), and Beyonce is a lot better looking than Etta, that goes without saying.

I hope they sell tickets to the ass-kicking, I’ll put $50 on Etta.

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