Tired of looking at old lumber yard sheds and such? No worries, you’ll get to look at this next.

I guess we were all wrong about what is going to happen at the old lumber yard location downtown;

Some of the existing sheds will be torn down then, and before it becomes anything else the site will become a construction equipment and supply staging area . . .

Wooooo Hooooo! Can I go play on the bulldozers at night? Maybe have an outdoor festival on one of the gravel piles? No longer will we have to worry about Sioux Falls ‘Leaking Money’ like councilor Jamison has warned us about (while wearing his brand new, freshly pressed AC/DC shirt while tearing up fake checks, a performance that should have honored him an Oscar, or at least a Mayor’s award for the arts).

City Council member Greg Jamison said he’s mindful of the spirited debate on where to build events and convention facilities, but he acknowledges “there’s a lot of value to putting it downtown.

“Wherever it goes, though, downtown or at the Arena, I would love to cut the ribbon on it as soon as we can. It’s a huge economic engine we’re missing out on.”

Couldn’t agree more Greg. Maybe you, your brother and Daddy Warbucks General Jamison could pool your money with other developers in town and build your own fricking Event Center. Huh? Instead raising taxes on little old ladies bread and milk? I would come to the ribbon cutting. I promise.

By l3wis

2 thoughts on “Get ready for New Development downtown . . . in 3-5 years.”
  1. Right here is what I really like about your site l3wis. Remember the flowchart fiasco we talked about last week? Well, the Argus catches up today. Better late than never. And this downtown developement thing? You brought it up days before the Argus had a clue, and it was discussed in length right here. Your site is almost like having the catcher whisper in your ear what the next pitch is going to be. You’re way ahead of the curve l3wis. That and your cartoons are great…and spot on.

  2. Wow, thanks Warren. The funny part is I only post about a 1/3 of all the juicy things I hear, and believe it or not journalists give me a lot of info to before it airs or prints.

    I was chuckling yesterday because the Argus ticker was the same as the KELO-TV ticker on their websites. The story titles were even almost the same. Not sure who was tipping off who?

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