South DaCola

I guess cigars are not made of tobacco and cannot be smoked? Who knew?

Give me an exception or I won’t stop crying

Poor Tim. Life just doesn’t go his way. When a neighborhood church needed to move a house to add on to there church, Timmy said no way, because they would have to cut a few branches off of his tree. When Timmy wanted to open a bar dowtown, he wanted the kids kicked out of DT. When someone wanted to open a bar across the street from his, he said they could not because they would have hip-hip dancing. When he realized he couldn’t make much money from a 200 square foot bar, he begged for a permit to have people drink on the sidewalk. Now Timmy wants his way again.

In a letter to the editor today in the Argus Leader (not up on website yet) Tim thinks cigar bars should have an exemption (surprise, surprise) and South Dakotans are misinformed about the smoking ban (that made me laugh). Not sure what freaking planet you have been living on the past 20 years, Timmy, but secondhand smoke kills people, secondly, cigars contain tobbaco that is smoked, just like a cigarette. What part of ‘smoking ban’ don’t you understand?

As usual, Tim is acting like a little brat to get his way. It’s time to stop sparing the rod with Mr. Kant. He doesn’t want this exemption for OTHER cigar lounges, he wants them for HIS cigar shop. It’s always about Tim, not the rest of us.

Enough! If the legislature can’t pass a total ban with NO exemptions, don’t pass one at all, let the voters decide, because a majority of us don’t give a rat’s ass about Tim’s cigar bar.

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