I did this cartoon for the Argus Leader in December 9, 2006.

Like I said earlier this week, paying for projects up front either thru budgeting or bonds that the Feds should be paying for is a bad idea. I am all for the Lewis & Clark water project but I feel we got snookered into borrowing and paying for the project before it is finished.

The delegation met with Bureau of Reclamation officials to show how Lewis & Clark could spend stimulus money. They also made a pitch for funding in next year’s federal budget.

Officials say the stimulus law requires the bureau to spend at least $60 million on rural water projects. Lewis & Clark is one of seven such projects.

So now we may get a whopping $8 Million towards the over $60 million we spent. Woo-Hoo!

When is Sioux Falls municipal government going to learn patience and caution?

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